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Terrific Tuesdays 11-22-16

Hi to all of the Inca Link Global family,

We have SOOO much to thank God for. We are having an Inca Linksgiving this week – Happy Thanksgiving to all of you 🙂 Check out the Inca Link Facebook y Twitter for stories from our missionaries on how they celebrate TGiving in their respective countries – good stuff.15178940_10100239181562161_5451641829808512260_n

  1.  Brent and Stephany Frederick had their baby today! She is called Emma Grace, she was born at 5:29 a.m. on November 22, 2016 and weighed 7 pounds and 3 ounces and 50 cm long 🙂
  2. La familia Cumbre Alta men´s soccer team won the tournament this year! They are the Champs! Our Inca Link Missionary Nate Taube did a fabulous job with the team this year. We are assured a place in the first division of Ecuadorian Soccer of Pichincha (the province we are in) for next year. Watch all of the goals from Saturday aquí15136014_1135498549860230_8823841370190557048_n 15110509_1136102076466544_4108797577550764310_o
  3. Ninawachi missions training school is finishing up the students practicum all over the jungles of Ecuador. Pray for them as they finish up next week. Pray for spiritual fruit and physical health.
  4. Joca returned from the U.S. Listen to him sharing the gospel with kids from his camp ministry called Inca Thakhi

Highs – Cumbre Alta won the tournament! Woo hoo! Our kids are ALL coming for Christmas – Woo hoo! We have a trip to Peru this weekend — YAY!

Lows – We are sad that we won’t be with all of our family for Thanksgiving :(.

WE NEED YOUR HELP – please copy and share on all social media to promote this end of the year event called Ready, Set, Smart! We have a goal of raising $20,000 for 400 kids at risk in Ecuador, Peru and Colombia. It will help them with school supplies, uniforms, backpacks, etc.

2 Prayer Requests – Pray for the Ready, Set, Smart campaign for end of the year giving. Pray for Inca Link to grow in 2017.

Goals reached for the Kingdom of God and Inca Link – Many, many emails, meetings through Skype, in our house, in the school, Google Hangouts with missionaries, Envisionaries, etc. We have been filming, supporting our ministry projects and praying for each one of our staff members in Ecuador, Peru, Colombia and the U.S.

Intensely Focused,
Rich and Elisa