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Terrific Tuesdays 6-5-18

Hi to all – last weeks Terrific Tuesdays was a better format – but we can´t do it this week as Olivia, our daughter who does that is in the Jungle today with limited internet – so we will have to do it old school today 🙂

Latest updates of Inca Link:

  1. The 11th year of the Inca Link Amazing Race started yesterday with 13 racers and it began with a boom of activities throughout Quito and ended with an Escape Room :). Today they are in the jungle. 
  2. En Maná, the garbage dump sponsorship day care center they inaugurated a new program for mothers to learn how to make shoes. Great work team!
  3. Cumbre Alta won two weeks ago, and tied this week. They are climbing in the standings :).
  4. Corban was the house band for the Summit in Guayaquil last week, they did a concert at the Milagro Alliance church (largest Alliance church in Ecuador) and recorded two videos. Please find their newest song, launched last week on Spotify, Amazon, Itunes etc :).

Highs – Alexa had a great evening at the Jr – Sr banquet. She looks fabulous :). Josiah and Olivia were with us this week.

Lows – I have been more tired than normal these days :/. We are hoping to have a day off this week though.

2 Prayer Requests

  1. Pray for the interns that will be leading teams this summer. May it be the best summer yet.
  2. Pray for the two books we are trying to write – pray for time dedicated to these projects.

Goals met for the kingdom of God and Inca Link – The Amazing Race with the interns, the fruit and work following the big leadership summit we did last week, meetings with Inca Link Ecuador, meetings through Skype with possible missionary candidates, final debriefs with some great interns who left, and Elisa had a good meeting with Entrenosotras.

Intensely Focused :),
Rich and Elisa