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Terrific Tuesday 10-27-15

HI to all of Inca Link global,

LOOK at some of the best pictures for Wear it Wednesday – thanks to all for participating. It was so much fun :).

But you have to see this video on Nathan Taube´s facebook  -amazing! nathan.taube.5/videos/ 10208210767524303/?pnref=story
It´s always a privilege to tell you what God is doing :).

  1. Corban is celebrating 15 years of ministry as a missionary band this week. We thank God for his kindness helping us to do over 600 concerts in 18 countries with thousands who have come to Christ. Watch this missionary video on their youtube channel. com/watch?v=VbDP-IHHIdY12107874_10153751754957922_2107181020952283035_n
  2. Bonsai – an after school program for kids in Manta, Ecuador is launching it´s ministry and a new video in November. Can´t wait to see this video done and this ministry started. be praying with the Easons who are starting this.
  3. Envision just launched an amazing video about why Millenials are leaving the church. Watch it here – sg-church
  4. Through Inca Link Colombia this summer short term teams shared the gospel in schools to over 1000 kids. Praise the Lord for this. They celebrated in Oasis the 1 year anniversary of opening the day care center. They now have 41 kids sponsored – but have 100 total they want to reach. Let´s be praying for them.11935105_459185070928676_3925757455046932544_n
  5. Cumbre Alta sports ministry in Ecuador is putting a net on the 5 vs 5 soccer field. They are having an important soccer competition – see it at events/1639747606263295/
  6. Let´s pray for Pasitos de Fe (Steps of Faith) children´s home in Trujillo, Peru and the Inca Link Peru board as they make important decisions for that home.

Highs – I had a great opportunity to minister at the Southwest District of the Alliance Man Camp. I was able to make some connections for Inca Link/ Envision. We might be able to do some ministry at Crown College next semester. We are going this weekend to watch Josiah´s last soccer tournament (unless they win and go to Nationals). We found super cheap tickets for Alexa, Elisa and I to fly roundtrip to Tampa ($106 each ;)).

Lows – Alexa and Mishayla have been sick. We are a little frustrated at some of our things here at the campus apartments we are living in. We might be too old for these run down couches :)). Does anyone have a donut?

2 Prayer requests – Please pray for the weekend of November 6-8. I will be preaching at another men´s retreat with about 300-500 men. This will be my main opportunity to tell about what God has been doing in and through Inca Link and recruit. Please pray for this weekend as well. Not only will we see Josiah but we are also serving in two churches – St Augustine, Florida (Alex Cabezas´s church) and Savannah, Georgia (the Eason´s home church).

Goals accomplished for the kingdom of God and for Inca Link – I preached at the Man Camp in Arkansas, prepared my Presidents report for Inca Link International for our board meeting this Sunday, writing emails, making connections for churches this weekend and while we are in Canada in December and seeing about Corban doing a tour next semester here in the U.S.

Intensely focused,
Rich and Elisa

P.S. For all of our Alliance contacts in the U.S.  this message is especially for you — Would you consider a special gift to the 2015 Alliance Year-End Offering, themed “We Will Love?” Funds raised through this offering will be allocated to the Great Commission Fund and CAMA Advance Fund. To view the video segments (including a word from President Stumbo) and other Offering resources, visit