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Terrific Tuesday 12-1-15

12241208_10153828298271424_8438723814408161042_nHi to all of the lovers of Inca Link :),

It´s always a privilege to write you with what God is doing in our midst.

  1. The students of the Ninawachi missions school in Ecuador are finishing their ministries in the villages around the jungle.
  2. Laura Rodríguez from Bogotá, Colombia – is doing a visit to the U.S. to promote Inca Link and recruit teams. We praise the Lord for the chance she will have in a key church in New Jersey (Stonecrest). Please pray that groups and interns will sign up for 2016.
  3. End of the year giving opportunity – Can you please help us as we promote this VAN for Bonsai in Manta, Ecuador? The goal is 30,000 dollars by January 1st, 2016. Please copy this link to your social media
  4. Corban celebrated 15 years of ministry as a band. This month they celebrated by thanking the people who served in the band through the years and who are no longer with us. See the picture.
  5. The clean water filters for the jungle arrived and are being distributed to the towns and villages with most need. We thank the Lord for the women of the Alliance who raised money for this project and are helping us make a difference in these communities. See picture.
  6. 12240042_10153807629852922_3512083818941828160_nPlease pray for our missionaries – the Taube family. Please pray for Nate and Kelley. Kelley is the counselor for the school and has a huge responsibility to counsel the kids and their families in the school and community. This is an important time to pray and lift them up to the King! Please pray for them.

Highs – We had a great retreat in Mexico, and then a great family vacation in Cancun afterwards. See picture. Elisa had the privilege of singing with the author of “Come, now is the time to worship” and “I lift my eyes up, to the heavens” – Brian Doerksen. See picture. Alexa was baptized! YAYYY.

212274572_1056412901058699_8819178614711886300_n Prayer Requests – Pray for the Alliance Academy families and communities.  Pray for our tour in Canada that starts this Thursday and will be done January 7th.

Goals reached for the kingdom of God – Retreats with Envision, Alliance in the U.S., and the Alliance of Canada, Skype meetings and emails with Inca Link Peru, promotion of Inca link on social media and promoting Corban at the mission retreat.

Intensely focused :),
Rich and Elisa
