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GREAT NEWS – Terrific Tuesday 6-2-15


IMG_7535After 7 years of suffering with budgets, properties, construction, changes of leadership, government permits, getting the best, qualified profession personnel – it is our privilege to introduce to you Yanpool and Julio (7 and 8 years old). They are the first kids that are living there starting today – June 1, 2015. Their families are in extreme poverty. The kids will be with us only until our staff can get the families up to the necessary conditions to receive their children back. See pictures. We have permission to put share these pictures.

All of Inca Link is celebrating this wonderful news. We want to thank Daniel Ascencio who got in IMG_7536there with the goal of getting children in the home and the appropriate vetted staff who will serve these kids for many years. Thanks to Janeth and the whole board of Inca Link Peru. Thanks to the groups and interns who have come donating time and resources to make this happen and giving a lot of money. Thanks to Brian who gave some large donations to make this day one of the best days EVER for Inca Link.

Highs – We have kids in the Children´s Home Pasitos de Fe in Trujillo, Peru. Also, General Council of the Alliance was the best one we have ever been to.

11224776_10205844801453695_6769600880813033420_nLows – We only have one month left in Ecuador before Home Assignment :(.

2 Prayer Requests – For Yanpool and Julio. That God will transform them to His image – and to have more children soon. They are running around the property with huge smiles on their faces. We hope to get a sponsorship for these two boys up and running soon. The government should give a couple of more kids soon. Also, pray for the last days and training after the Amazing Race – this week. See pictures.

11036410_10205844801653700_3035716477093040664_nGoals for the Kingdom of God and Inca Link – Attending general Council of the Alliance in the U.S., we had key, strategic meetings with our bosses of Envision, USA and Canada. We also handed out our prayer cards, Inca Link Stickers to former interns, key pastores and leaders and those that might be interested in coming with Inca Link. We heard GREAT reports from teams who have come in the past – that Inca Link´s Short Term Missions is well organized and they left our sites being impacted to be better Christ followers. That´s awesome news!

11011453_954759891235624_7859266098689268381_nIntensely Focused,
Rich and Elisa