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Terrific Tuesday 1-27-15

Today is a Terrific day – why? Because it is Terrific Tuesday:

  1. Ninawachi – our jungle school in Ecuador is continuing to progress with new students. I think they have 13 students.
  2. Inca Thacki – camp ministry in Peru is having a discipleship group to go and teach evangelism to churches using extreme sports. Pray for new tools that they need.
  3. Elim – garbage dump ministry in Peru has the possibility of receiving a donated piece of land for more ministry. Pray for this land. They also have a camp for young people planed – pray for that as well.
  4. World Race leaves Ecuador this month. This group has been very fruitful.
  5. Elisa´s band, Corban, finished an 8 day all intensive week at TPC (All For Jesus). It was also very fruitful.
  6. The garbage dump day care center in Peru, Maná, is starting painting campaigns to finish the 2nd floor while the kids are on vacation.
  7. Brenda is now working full time with the children´s and mom´s ministry near the children´s home. Praise the Lord.

Let´s keep praying for more interns for the Amazing Race. We have 14. We need more.

Highs – I was able to convert the videos of Josiah playing volleyball and basketball onto my computer – we watched many of them. It was fun. Also, Elisa arrives today… CANT WAIT.

Lows – That Elisa was gone so long. I´m getting too old for this :).

2 Prayer Requests – Pray for the youth event CLA that is held in late March. We need more people to sign up for it. Pray for the details of the all Ecuador Youth Specials event in May.

Goals reached for the Kingdom of Christ and Inca Link – We went to Riobamba, Ecuador and did an intensive youth leaders training on Saturday. It went well, and two other churches want to do it. We already have 7 more planned for the next 6 months. We had meetings at school, we had meetings with ILI and others who are interested in coming down.

Intensely focused :),
Rich and Elisa