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Terrific Tuesday 11-10-15

12140773_10153681286800610_5577460918377159759_nGod is so good to Inca Link while we strive to reach the 300 million youth in Latin America with Christ´s love! Here are some things happening in Inca Link these days:

1. Our missionaries, the Saccsaras, served this week in Ayacucho and small villages around there with a medical team. They had 2 days of training and a leadership conference for pastors. Pray for the health of this family. See Picture.

2. Bonsai, the after school program starting up in Manta, Ecuador has two new videos. Check them out 🙂 –

3. We continue to pray for the Ninawachi missions institute students who are serving this month in the deepest jungles of Ecuador. Pray for their safety and impact for the King.

4. Daniel Ascencio is planning a trip to recruit teams and interns in the U.S. for the month of January. Pray that Joca gets his visa to accompany Daniel. If any of you know contacts where they could go in Ohio, New York or Pennsylvania please let him know – or let us know and we will get that information to him.

5. A cool blog was written about Inca Link Colombia – check it out –

6. There were two accidents this week. Mark Shafer fell and hit his head. He was taken to the hospital and is better now. The Easons had a car accident. Praise the Lord they were not hurt but their car was messed up. Pray for all of the paper work with the insurance companies. Let´s keep praying one for another in Inca Link.

12196163_1051157538250902_5384400945782619761_n7. My Dad and my sisters family are serving at the booth today for Inca Link at Liberty University. See the picture :).

Highs – I had a good ministry with the men in North Carolina. There were over 450 men and we received an offering of over 2000 dollars for Cumbre Alta. I am leaving tomorrow for the Convencion of Youth Specialties (Especialidades Juveniles) and I will be giving a work shop there in Miami. I can´t wait to see my friends there.

Lows – Math with Alexa is a killer! Elisa, Mishayla, Alexa and I worked hard on it for her to only get a C!

2 Prayer requests – Pray for my message at the convention in Miami and for good contacts for Inca Link. Pray for Alexa´s math, schooling in general and her life. She has soccer today.

Goals reached for the Kingdom of God and Inca Link – Skype meetings with Inca Link Ecuador, Inca Link Peru and meetings for Youth Specialties. I spoke four times to the men at retreat, sold t-shirts and Corban CDs, handed out bracelets to people who promise to pray for inca link and sign up for our updates. We continue to be united to reach the 300 million youth in Latin America.

Thanks for your part in helping us.

Intensely focused :),
Rich and Elisa