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Terrific Tuesday 5-5-15

11212268_463102953847959_693486252_n copyHi to all,

God continues to surprise us with his presence, with his hand on us and with peace in our hearts. Let´s see some things that stand out:

  1. The Youth Specialties Ecuador convention was spectacular. We had a lot of bands, speakers and over 1,000 people celebrating, learning together and training together. We were able to cover our bare minimum budget. See pictures.
  2. Brent had a meeting with Karina who accepted the Lord! We continue to pray for Elim, the garbage dump ministry in Trujillo, Peru – that God will continue to bless them.
  3. 11122342_463103190514602_1177341240_n copyThe ministries all over Inca Link are preparing programs for Mothers Day (Happy Mother´s Day to all of you mothers and lovers of Inca Link :))
  4. We now have the document and permission to function with children in the Childeren´s home, Pasitos de Fe, in Trujillo, Peru. Glory to God! This month we will have children! That´s our prayer!
  5. Jim was in some of the deepest, densest jungles in Ecuador and found some children who had never heard who Jesus is or even hear his name. There still are people in our countries that know absolutely nothing about Jesus – we have to tell them.
  6. Fabian, Mabe, Patrick, Gustavo and many more attended to 45 people in the last several months at Casa Blanca in Quito, Ecuador. This was an answer to prayer since our budget was running dry. God provided again. We are now on Airbnb – check us out

Teams – 33 total teams in 3 countries – Ecuador, Peru and Colombia
Interns – 20 for the whole summer

Highs – Josiah was able to play soccer in the tournament last week and will receive awards for Basketball and Volleyball! Alexa has her last basketball game tomorrow for the final. Olivia is 11210254_463102977181290_630092634_n copygraduating next Saturday.

Lows – Michaela is suffering in her final exams this week for Texas A&M.

2 Prayer requests– We thank God for a great Youth Specialties Convention for Ecuador. God did miracles – covering the cost and blessing so many youth leaders – despite so many attacks from the enemy (David Noboa had his laptop stolen the night before the event started – it had all of the information for the event on it, Lucy and Alison were really sick all night the two nights, as was Samy’s wife Kathy. We had a hard time sleeping, but God reigns!).

Please pray for Michaela to end the Freshman year of college well. Pray for the fruit from the Convention of EJ Ecuador (Youth Specialties).

11215908_463102960514625_95963305_n copyGoals reached for the Kingdom of God and Inca Link – The whole convention, meetings, calls, emails, social media, preparing for our big move to Texas in July, planning tours for the U.S. and Canada, wrote articles, had key meetings with mentors etc.

Intensely focused 🙂
Rich and Elisa