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Terrific Tuesday 8-18-15

How is everyone? We had a lot happening including Olivia´s wedding (see pics below) and putting Josiah in at Toccoa Falls College (see pic). We are now back in Texas where Mishayla will start her second year at Texas A&M and where Alexa will be home schooled. I will be touring from September 4th through October 28th. We all had a crazy summer but God has been blessing our ministries.

  1. The summer teams and interns have come and gone (for the most part) and left great work in Ecuador, Peru and Colombia. It was one of our best summers ever.
  2. Thanks to Patrick Watts, Randy and Candace Stripling and Anna Jacobson for helping us run the teams – as well as all of the Inca Link Colombia, Peru and Ecuador missionaries and staff.
  3. Corban spent 8 days of impact at TPC camp outside of Lima. It was too cold for me, so I stepped out after the 3rd day :). See Pic.
  4. We were able to film in Trujillo for a video in Manta, Ecuador and we are praying to be able to raise $50,000 through Envision. Be praying about that.
  5. The Brown family with Isaac filmed the song I Will Follow You from the 5th Corban CD. See Pic.
  6. Congratulations to Ignacio and Meylin who had their baby. See Pic.
  7. Joseph and Heather will have their baby any day now.

Highs – We survived the summer – including the wedding and dropping Josiah off at college. I may, or may not have had an hour or two where I just cried like a baby while we were driving up to Virginia for the wedding. I got it out of my system and then was able to be strong for both the wedding and the college episode :). Elisa was strong the whole time. The family sang together – it was fun.

Lows – I have to work on messages for tour that will start in 2 weeks and my iphone died. I am bummed that we will be missing most of Josiah’s soccer games. We ended up broke after the wedding – see pic.

2 Prayer Requests – Pray for the messages for tour. Pray for Mishayla to find out this week if she can become a Texas resident. Pray for Alexa who will start home schooling with Elisa (maybe pray for Elisa the teacher :)).

Goals met for Inca Link and the Kingdom – we made some contacts and phone calls for teams to come down. We had good meetings with Inca Link Peru and Joseph this week. We married off one daughter – 3 kids to go :)).

Intensely Focused 🙂
Rich and Elisa






