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Terrific Tuesday after Easter

(Originally written in Spanish, quickly translated…)

Happy Easter to all of Inca Link,

The key to the Christian life is not only the birth of our King, but the resurrection of our God – Jesus Christ. We have life in Him and the ministry of Inca Link is from Him.


  • We were in Huaticocha .. construction is progressing.
  • We’ve been filming Inca Link staff stories. We would like every Tuesday to start sharing short videos that tell the stories of who we are and what we do. Isaac will be filming in Ecuador … we are still working on filming in Peru and Colombia.
  • I turned 45 years old .. I’m almost ready to go see my Lord :), there is much to do yet. Here is the best gift I got this year, but I received many nice gifts.

Rich Birthday Gift


  • Jesus Adrian Romero sends a greeting for the Youth Leaders Summit – download here.

High of the Week

Ecuador won 🙂 We were able to go east and see the project in Huaticocha .. my birthday 🙂

Prayer Requests

  1. Pray for the school board meeting this Wednesday too. We have difficult decisions.
  2. Pray for Isaac who is filming in Ecuador IL.

Intensely focused,
Rich and Elisa