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Terrific Tuesdays 10-23-18

Hello to all the heroes of Inca Link Global, 

This month we have had many impressive things happen in the Inca Link family. Here are some of them.

  1. The second year of Link Year has started and they are now serving in Bogota, Colombia.
  2. Wear it Wednesday was a success. We had people from all over the world showing off their bracelets, T-shirts, hoodies and many other things.
  3. We have launched the redesigned webpage with new information. If you haven’t seen it lately, explore our website a bit.
  4. We have a new website for communication between sponsors and children from our ministries – Mana in Peru, Oasis in Colombia and 7.8 in Portoviejo, Ecuador. This will help a lot with future interactions.
  5. We have many who are graduating from programs that Inca Link sponsors. Percy Figueredo graduated with a degree from the Alliance Seminary in Ecuador, and Stephany Tincopa graduated from Fatela in Theology and Urban Ministry. 
  6. Ninawachi is about to send it’s students to a month of practicums. Please pray for our students and staff there.
  7. Honduras – Daniel Ascencio is our missionary to Honduras and he’s having a lot of success in the western US recruiting people to go on missions trips in 2019.

Highs – We got to see Josiah and Olivia in the US and Alexa won Ideal Team in the AASSA volleyball tournament. We got to go to South Africa and minister with 42 at Leader Mundial there and also with 50 men in Ecuador at Leader Mundial.

Prayer Requests – 

  1. Pray for Corban and the E625 Peru ministry on November 2-3. Corban will be the house band and will also serve in different workshops etc.
  2. Pray for the trips that we have in November – Mexico, Canada, Peru and the US.

Goals reach for the Kingdom of God and Inca Link – Trainings at Leader Mundial South Africa and Ecuador, training for the Linkers before they left for the field, reviewing and approving the new websites for Inca Link and sponsorships, Elisa was able to lead Entrenosotras and is seeing more women participating, and interviews of staff and new staff for Inca Link.

Intensely focused,
Rich and Elisa