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Terrific Tuesdays 10-24-17

Hi to all of the Heroes of Inca Link 🙂 

Here are some of the latest updates of Inca Link 🙂

  1. Oasis, our sponsorship day care center in Bogotá, Colombia, continues to do well. Let’s keep praying for each one of these kids.
  2. Congratulations to the Wear it Wednesday winners! Number of votes for Facebook:
    • Brent Frederick: 288
    • Jose Castro Dionicio: 168
    • Stephany Tincopa: 150 
      For Instagram:
    • Keirstan Hargrave: 155
    • Mishayla Brown: 64
    • Amanda Cahusac: 53
  3. The students of Ninawachi (our missions training school) are preparing to go out on mission for one month. Be praying for all of them.
  4. Casa Elizabeth, our teen pregnancy center in Quito, Ecuador, has twins and a full house these days. Be praying for them.
  5. Pray for Inca Link Peru as they are looking to hire the next Executive Director. Pray for Daniel who is now in Spain.

Highs – That we are able to be here for Alexa’s volleyball tournament QISSA – Elisa will be here for AASSA too. I will get to see Josiah and Mishayla for a couple of hours this Thursday on a trip to Mexico.

Lows – We were not allowed on the plane to South Africa for a conference to speak at. There was confusion with our Yellow Fever shots requirements and they did not accept them 🙁

2 Prayer Requests

  1. Pray for my trip to Mexico to speak this weekend in Guadalajara to the youth of the Alliance in Mexico.
  2. Pray for the plans for Especialidades 625 Ecuador for 2018. We have a lot of work to do.

Goals reached for the kingdom of God and Inca Link – Wear it Wednesday, Elisa had great meetings with Entrenosotras, we finished two more lessons for the website for youth leaders on God Speaks – Listen, and God Speaks – Obey, we had many Skype meetings this week, evaluation of Leader Mundial Ecuador and connections with the Inca Link Peru board.

Intensely Focused,
Rich and Elisa