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Terrific Tuesdays 11-15-22

Happy Terrific Tuesday!

  • We’re so excited and blessed to be here at e625 at the “Elephant in the Room” conference. All of these people are youth leaders and pastors.
  • Happy Thanksgiving! We are so thankful to the Lord for all that he’s doing, how he’s working in us and through us. We’re so grateful for YOU! We thank you and we celebrate you.
  • We’re also excited because after Thanksgiving, Giving Tuesday is coming up (Nov. 29)! When you give on Giving Tuesday, your gift has a chance to be multiplied! This year, our year-end campaign will go towards supporting Inca Link Costa Rica to purchase a van for their ministries. Why is transportation so important? It helps reliably transport people from the ministries as well as our global outreach teams. Consider participating with us as we seek to reach our $35,000 goal.
  • Also, be looking out for our Annual Report. This year, our report will be telling stories about changed lives across Latin America. Does God still change lives? Find out in our Annual Report (coming soon).

Have a happy Thanksgiving and please pray for us as we continue to try to reach the 300 million youth of Latin America with Christ’s irresistible love.