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Terrific Tuesdays 11-6-18

Hi to our friends of Inca Link Global, 

Here are some highlights in Inca Link:

  1. 15 Year Growth Fund – Be on the lookout for our End of Year Campaign. Because of your contribution last year, we will be launching our first new country, Honduras, in 2019! Now we need your help again as we work to go to 14 more countries in the next 14 years. Like last year, our goal is to raise $20,000. We already have $10,000 in matching funds – and are looking for others to match it by December 31st. If you would like to give, visit this link.
  2. The youth leaders summit for next generational leaders was amazing in Lima, Peru this past weekend. Corban led the music and did a fabulous job. 
  3. Corban also was able to lead worship in 5 services on Sunday in the Alliance Church of Los Olivos.
  4. Marlin, one of the Inca Thakhi boys in Peru, was baptized on Sunday. Also, Nicoll Paredes is leading a ministry with the girls in Inca Thakhi, there are now 13 attending.
  5. Pray for Pablo Saccsara who is translating for Seminary training from the Quechua language in Ayacucho. Pray for safe travels and impact in the ministry there. 

Highs – it was awesome to be in Peru with a lot of friends. Josiah got 2nd team All-Region in soccer.

Lows – Although we enjoyed the ministry and the trips – we missed Alexa :/

2 Prayer Requests 

  1. Pray for our month of November – we have trips where we will preach, do a camp, music, be at a wedding, rest for Thanksgiving with family, Envision Gathering, speaking engagements in churches etc., – in the U.S., Ecuador, Canada and Mexico.
  2. Pray for Corban as they lead music and a camp and then do an evangelistic concert in Guadalajara, Mexico.

Goals reached for the Kingdom of God and for Inca Link – We gave workshops, seminars, round tables, etc., in the Summit in Peru, Corban led worship and music in the 5 services at church last Sunday, I preached in 4 of the services, we interviewed staff, and we learned a lot at the Converge conference – with leaders of organizations who all have a passion for reaching youth in Latin America and the world.

Intensely Focused,
Rich and Elisa