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Terrific Tuesdays 11-8-16

Hi to Inca Link Global,

Brent FrederickIt doesn´t matter who becomes president of the U.S., but Inca Link continues to impact people as we try to reach 300 million youth in Latin America with Christ´s love. Here are some of the things happening at Inca Link these days:

  1. Brent graduated with a certificate in ministry – congratulations Brent :).
  2. Pray for the students at our Ninawachi missions school – they are doing their practicum in 7 villages and towns up the river in the jungles. Pray also for the 3 communities where our graduates are planting churches.
  3. Pray for Gloria, one of our teens in our pregnancy center of Casa Elizabeth, she is graduating from our program this week.
  4. Pray for Joca who is making contacts for some Amazon Smilepartnerships with other camps to partner with Inca Thakhi and Inca Link Peru.
  5. Please consider using Amazon Smile to support Inca Link when buying presents for people this year. It helps us get some financial benefit from it.

Highs – Thank the Lord for His work in one of the meetings I was in this week that I had been burdened with. Our short weekend vacation with Alexa was amazing. See the video on my Facebook of her flying in the air :)

Lows – No Lows 🙂

2 Prayer Requests – Please pray for our meetings we have this week with Especialidades 625 – with pastors and friends. We have 3 more meetings this week to plan, share and grow. Pray also for Elisa in Entrenosotras.

Goals reached for the kingdom of God and Inca Link – Meetings with interns, pastors, teams to come next year on short term missions teams, long meetings and different boards and planning meetings with Inca Link International, the global retreat etc.

Intensely Focused :),
Rich and Elisa

P.S. End of the year project will be launched soon – keep your eyes out for it 🙂