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Terrific Tuesdays 2-27-18

Hi to all of the heroes of Inca Link Global,

How exciting to see all of the Facebook Live projects of Inca Link for the last 14 days. Great work! Here are some of the highlights but if you want to see for yourself the videos from 14 of our projects, please visit our Facebook page. 

  1. The students of Ninawachi finished the course Elisa and Rich facilitated with others. We had 40 people from all over the jungles studying about missions. We also ate snake 🙂
  2. Inca Link Peru has a new board. Congratulations to those who are serving – Brent Frederick, Wendy Tejada, Juan Cruz, Coco Alván and Carlos Moya.
  3. Corban is still recording their 6th CD with Emanuel Espinoza (from the band ROJO). Pray that everything works well so that the music will bless peoples lives and bring them closer to God.
  4. The Saccsaras have had various Sunday school training sessions and VBS’s. Right now they are in Ayacucho doing a training.
  5. The Link Year parents came to visit their Linker kids this past week. It was awesome to have them over for hamburgers and hot dogs. We had Elisa’s cousins with us too. 

Highs – We had a great time with Mishayla for 3 weeks and she encouraged us to climb the Volcano Cotopaxi to the refuge. We made it! 🙂 Alexa got 3rd place in the AASSA tournament and got ideal team in the QISSA tournament and AASSA. This was a dream she’s had for several years.

Lows – Rich has had a bad canker sore in his mouth for a long time. Many people have the cold or flu, etc. And Elisa and Mishayla flew today to Argentina. Miss them already 🙁

2 Prayer requests – Pray for the big Summit of E625 we are planning. Always things come up – like a main speaker who cancelled last minute. HELP – we need your prayers. Also for Alexa and others who are sick. Pray for Mishayla and Elisa as they are in Argentina getting Mishayla settled.

Goals reached for the kingdom of God and Inca Link – The Kairos Course we facilitated in the jungles with 32 students and 8 facilitators was a success. We are taking this course to all of the Alliance districts in Ecuador and then launching out to do the same in the future in Colombia. Having the Linkers here with their parents was fun – especially having them for supper one night. We had great moments of sharing, dreaming and planning with interns, teams, missionaries, Linkers and donors – we hope this will help us be better at reaching the 300 million youth in Latin America with Christ’s love.

Intensely focused 😉
Rich and Elisa