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Terrific Tuesdays 2-7-17

10th Anniversary

What? Are we already in February 2017?
Hi to all of Inca Link Global,
God has been so good to us that we would sin if we did not share some of those things here:

  1. Ninawachi, the missions training Graduatesschool in the jungles of Ecuador, had its 2nd graduation with 7 more students who will help plant churches in 7 to 14 more deep jungle communities that don´t have an evangelical church yet.
  2. Joca, the leader of the Inca Thakhi camp ministry in Trujillo, Peru, told of 20 new children who are coming to our Sand boarding ministry. Pray for family Inca Thakhimembers of 3 kids who´s families have someone very sick with cancer, tuberculosis and other problems. We continue to look for more sponsors to help with studies for some of these youth who are graduating from high school and want to continue.
  3. At our Elim garbage dump ministry in Peru, pray for the leadership, volunteers, a piece of Baby Showerproperty and cell groups in homes. They had a Baby Shower this week for one of the mothers.
  4. Oasis in Colombia still needs prayer for their children. The kids are receiving physical, emotional and spiritual  help.
  5. In our Bonsai ministry of kids at risk in Manta, Ecuador, we had Gabriela who was baptized in January. Praise God!Oasis

The Inca Link Global Retreat that we celebrate every 2 years – It was an outstanding time together on the beach, with the pool, training, relax times, getting to know you times, evaluating the first 10 years and projecting for the next 10 years. It was the best retreat we ever had so far – praise God.

Link Year this is for 18-23 year olds who are looking for a gap year Inca Link Retreatexperience for 9 months in 3 countries. Please help us promote this with friends and family members you know would benefit from this. We have already 4 applicants and we just launched in January 🙂

Highs – The retreat was one of the biggest highs we have had in the last 2 years. It was awesome to see so many friends and servants of the King with the same vision from 7 different countries serving the Lord, praying together and getting to know each other better.  We also had a good evaluation of what God has done in the first 10 years of Inca Link.
Lows – Alexa was not able to be with us for the retreat because she had exams :(, but she did really well on her exams and even ruined the curve in Geometry (one of her harder subjects :)). Praise God for that.

2 Prayer Requests – Pray for our new training and vocabulary of Red, Green and Blue that we are now using in Inca Link. Many are being trained in this event that Elisa is teaching for us to understand our motivations and others as well – so that we can work together with better understanding. Pray for Percy, Gema and Mila. Gema and Mila were in a car accident. Praise the Lord they are OK.

Goals met for the kingdom of God and Inca Link – we organized and pulled off the retreat, RetreatElisa with Entrenosotras, we were trained in a Kairos course that is about missions and we are being trained to teach that in Ecuador to motivate people toward cross-cultural missions (this was originated in the Philippines and is being used by the Canadian Alliance, Training of SDI from Elisa, advancing the Link Year project, planning a visit to the U.S. for the end of February, planning the Envision Latin America retreat in March and many emails and Skype meetings).

Intensely Focused,

Rich and Elisa

P.S. We are going for 10 more years to be more fruitful, in more countries, more servant leaders and reach way more of the 300 million youth of Latin America.