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Terrific Tuesdays 3-27-19

How is it possible that we are at the end of March?  Time flies and God keeps working.


  1. Inca Thakhi organized camp ONE and with the help of Amijai, Elim and Mana it was a total success!  50 kids between the ages of 6-12 attended, and 30 leaders helped out.  Many of the leaders were pre teens and teens that are also part of ILP ministries.  Congratulations ILP!
  2. Andres Castro was unanimously voted in as official Executive Director of Inca Link Peru, after passing his 6 month trial period with flying colors.  Congratulations Andres!
  3. Kei Sullivan has now finished 6 months of serving with Inca Link in Portoviejo 7.8.  She is an endless fountain of energy and we love her.  She taught the women of the P7.8 ministry how to crochet and it’s amazing how quick they have picked it up. Thank you Kei!
  4. Rich and I had a great time in Costa Rica, investigating some options of where we can partner as Inca Link.  We also took advantage of our time there to give a Parents Seminar through E625 at the Alliance church of San Francisco.  It was wonderful to join with other parents who love God and want to guide their children well.  As always, when we have the privilege of being with Chuck Fanberg, the time is too short!
  5. Rich, Alexa and I squeezed in 2 nights at Palma Azul on the coast of Ecuador.  It was a beautiful, relaxing, swimming, sunning, enjoying the waves of the ocean time.


  1. We need more girls in Casa Elizabeth.
  2. I broke my pinkie toe.
  3. Rich and I are having to do a battery of medical tests (all routine for our age) that are no fun at all.

Prayer requests:

  • That God will guide the couple we interviewed in Costa Rica to join our Inca Link team!
  • For several families and individuals that we have been interviewing as potential missionaries with Inca Link.
  • For all of our Executive Directors in each country and the huge work load they have.
  • For Casa Elizabeth as we go through some structural changes.
  • For the Corban tour that we will be doing in July of 2019.  We are renewing passports, getting visas, buying endless amounts of flights and coordinating with churches in several different states.  We’d love to find 3 more churches in the Colorado area to maximize our time in the US.
  • We have several guests joining us in the next month at our house.  I personally need help from on high to be a good hostess!
  • For Rich and I as we have to have a colonoscopy this week.  🙁

Goals reached for the week:
Interviewed 6 potential missionaries, investigated several project possibilities in 3 different countries, completed a Kairos course in Portoviejo (and I completed my role as Head Facilitator in training with this one), Parents seminar in San Jose, Costa Rica, meetings with Leader Mundial, E625, Entre Nosotras, Casa Elizabeth, and purchasing of many tickets for the Corban tour as well as coordinating with churches in the States.

Hugs to all.
Intensely focused,
Elisa and Rich