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Terrific Tuesdays 4-16-19

What an amazing couple of weeks!


  1. Did you know that Daniel Ascencio is in Honduras now and getting things up and running?  As if that weren’t enough, he had his girlfriend Nayeli come and check the ministry out, and while she was there he asked her to marry him!  Wow!  Congratulations Daniel and Nayeli.  Click this link to read all about our first week in Honduras.
  2. Our Link Year is down to their last 2 months of ministry at our Inca Link ministry sites.  They are now in Peru and doing an awesome job helping our projects in Trujillo.  This week they are in Lima, the capital city, joining Antonio and Patty with their new generations church, Mission Mas Vida.
  3. Speaking of Peru, our newest missionaries Alexandra Khosravi and Mishayla Brown Brown are working with 5-12 year old girls in Inca Thakhi, and although it has been challenging, it has also been rewarding.  Thankful that God keeps providing great workers in Inca Link.
  4. We are so thankful Lineth Overmoyer had her eye surgery in Bogota, Colombia and she is doing really well!
  5. Inca Link’s Instagram page reached 1,000 followers!  If you are not a follower, come follow us!
  6. Rich and I had a great meeting with our Canadian Alliance bosses today and as usual we came away really excited about the possibilities for our future.
  7. Rich just got back from a great time at Leader Mundial and spending some time with Josiah.  Josiah surprised him by taking him to visit our dear friends the Coes.  It was fabulous!  Like he says, he is all filled up again!
  8. I had a pretty fabulous birthday this year.  Feels like they keep coming faster and faster!  Thanks to all who sent me good wishes.  I felt the love! 


  1. Percy Figueredo (bass player for Corban and director of our Portoviejo 7.8 garbage dump ministry) was here in Quito with his family (that part was a high) as they had an appointment at the US embassy to try and get Gema and the girls their visa to come join us on the Corban tour.  They were denied.
  2. Speaking of the Corban tour, the airlines have made it impossible to get the whole band affordably to the US, and at the same time be able to travel with ANY luggage.  All we get is a backpack.  No instruments.  Very frustrating!

Prayer requests/Needs:

  • Casa Elizabeth is looking for a new director to lead the home forward in vision and mission.  We are looking for someone with a calling to pregnant teens.  Our home focuses on the mom, her education, health, labor and delivery, and spiritual well being.  This could be a missionary position (or national position), meaning this director (or director couple) could raise their support, come live in Quito and join an already amazing team.
  • Casa Elizabeth is also looking for an experienced social worker.  We are hoping we can find someone who has been in the system here in Ecuador for more than 10 years and is well known to bring more girls into our home.
  • Casa Elizabeth needs to start and finish the last phase of construction in the next 2 months.  We went over budget in the first phase, so we are being very careful in this last phase of construction!
  • Alexandra Castro is working on getting her documents in order to remain in Peru.
  • We have started to pack up 14 years of ministry.  We need Jesus! 🙂

Bless you all and thank you for being a part of our team!  We love you!

Intensely focused,
Elisa and Rich