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Terrific Tuesdays 5-24-16

Hi to all of the Inca Link friends and family,

God is doing some wonderful things with Inca Link global. We have seen His hand touching lives. Here are some of the latest news items:4th National Youth Leaders Summit

  1. The 4th National youth leaders summit was a smashing success. We had 800 people including the speakers, 200 were affected by the earthquake. It was a blessing for all of us.Famous singer, Emmanuel preaching a great sermon on missions
  2. Melissa Hardy, a former intern is getting married this Saturday. Let´s pray for her and her new husband.Former intern, Melissa Hardy and her new husband
  3. We thank God for his provision for the ministry Portoviejo 7.8 – it´s a new garbage dump day care center in Portoviejo, Ecuador. Percy and Gema are leading that ministry. If you are interested in supporting monthly and sponsoring a child for $40 a month – please contact Nicole for information on children available for sponsorship at
  4. Corban is almost ready for the tour in June and July.
  5. Brent and Stephany (two of our missionaries inBrent and Stephany Frederick expecting 1st baby! Peru) are expecting their first baby. Congratulations! 🙂
  6. Gustavo Cadena and Fabian Tamayo are graduating this week in North Carolina. Gustavo is getting a Doctorate degree and Fabian a Masters degree. Congratulations to both of them for their faithfulness in their studies. Hope they enjoy their time in the U.S. with Mabe visiting friends.

IMPORTANT NOTICE – we are trying to raise funds to buy shoes for 2,500 kids affected by the earthquake to start school this week. They only cost between $5 and $10 a pair. If you can help with this please donate at Ministry: Shoes for Children affected by the earthquake

Highs – we are enjoying to the max having Josiah, Michaela and Alexa with us these days. We had an amazing weekend with some of our best friends in the world (in Houston). They energized us and refreshed us. On Wednesday we will go to Dallas to watch the Ecuador vs USA soccer game with the Bryans. “Sí se puede!”

Lows – We have a lot of bills to pay 🙁Shoes for Children affected by the earthquake Ministry

2 Prayer requests – Pray for Olivia and Mark (Our married daughter with her husband who are looking to move to Maryland.) Pray for the kids who need shoes in Ecuador affected by the earthquake. Pray for Alexa as she finishes up her exams this week and the school year.

Goals met for the kingdom of God and for Inca Link – Finding refreshment from our friends and family, meetings for the summit, Elisa singing at the summit, meetings with Inca Link Ecuador, Skype meetings with people we serve and interviews for possible future IL missionaries.

Intensely Focused :),

Rich and Elisa