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Terrific Tuesdays 5-29-18

Hello to all the heroes of Inca Link,

Here is what God is doing in us. 

  1. The simultaneous summits in Quito and in Guayaquil went well. We had 500 people in Quito and 700 in Guayaquil. We thank God for all of the leaders in Ecuador who came. 
  2. It was nice to be with our Corban family again- connecting hearts to the heart of God in the Summit in Guayaquil and in the Alliance Temple of Milagro. 
  3. Corban has been filming two music videos and they will be really good. 
  4. Casa Elizabeth said goodbye to Taylor, who has been a volunteer there these past few months.
  5. The Link Year girls finished their time in Armenia, Colombia where we had a final debrief time of their 9 months together. We are praying for their next year. 
  6. Amijai continues to train mothers with the Word of God.

Highs- We are going to see Josiah and Olivia soon- and Alexa and Mishayla are doing well in their respective countries. 🙂

Lows- We are very very exhausted and need sleep 😉

2 Prayer requests

  1. Pray for our trip back from Guayaquil to Quito late tonight after finishing filming with Corban.
  2. Pray for our new group of interns who will be arriving this week for the Amazing Race and to help out this summer with the biggest team we have ever had in the history of Inca Link.

Goals reached for the Kingdom of God and Inca Link- We finished the final debrief with the Linkers, the meetings for the summit, the panel for the summit- Elisa taught about “leading and reaching the newer generations through Art, Music, and Missions”, – being the organizers of the summit, Corban’s videos, and planning for the Amazing Race.

Intensely focused- tired but full ;),

Rich and Elisa