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Terrific Tuesdays 5-30-23

Happy Terrific Tuesday! We are enjoying beautiful Canillá, Guatemala, with the Crown College team.

  • A lot of people criticize short-term missions. What is something good that has happened on this short-term mission team? We have been able to not only inspire ourselves to think about long-term missions, but we have also had people who we’ve met ask Lisa and Rich how they themselves can serve and go to different countries.
  • It costs a lot of money to do short-term missions. How were you able to raise enough money at Crown College to come on this trip? The first one we did was called Candy Grams, where people wrote notes to other students and we would deliver them with a piece of candy. The second fundraiser we did was a short film fundraiser, where one of our students made a short film and we made it into a campus event with a dance.
  • Come on a short-term team! There are ways to get the money, and ways to serve Jesus here in Guatemala.

We are so grateful for you guys! We hope you have a great week. God bless you.