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Terrific Tuesdays 8-7-18

Hi to the entire family of Inca Link Global,

God continues to raise us up and show us his kindness in the middle of all that we live. Here are some of the main points of interest lately with the Inca Link family:

  1. Read the testimony from one of our ministries that serves the Quechua speaking people of PeruDemetrio was a livestock thief. They arrested him on different occasions. One day the Lord came into his life through a Christian brother who wanted him to know more about the Bible, but he didn’t know how to read. He began attending the literacy program and learned to read the Bible in Quechua. Now he works as a professor teaching the Word of God in his community. He also visits nearby villages teaching them to learn how to read using the Bible.
  2. We had a group from Appleton Alliance church – united with the Cono Norte Callao church in Lima – go to Trujillo to do short-term missions together at Inca Link Peru. We had 158 people on the ground all at once in late July.
  3. The Mana children’s home was impacted this summer from many teams who served. We thank God for the first ever Inca Link ministry 🙂 It continues to impact lives for the King.
  4. Bonsai and Portoviejo 7.8 (ministries in Manta and Portoviejo, Ecuador)  had a lot of teams this summer and we thank the Lord for them. A team from Canada taught the kids how to celebrate Canada day at Bonsai 🙂
  5. Cumbre Alta had a ministry at an orphanage this summer. It was a 3 week soccer/VBS camp for about 45 kids.
  6. We had one of the most impactful summers with interns (one of the best). If you don’t believe me – watch this video.

Highs – celebrating both Alexa’s and Josiah’s bdays. Also, it was fun to preach at the Portoviejo Missions Conference and see 15 go forward to full-time missions. We got the privilege to speak on conquering our kids’ hearts at a conference run by HCJB for 1200 parents. Lows – We had one of the most difficult weeks of our missionary career. It was also hard to say goodbye to Josiah this week. He is at Beulah Beach to volunteer this week.

2 Prayer Requests

  1. That God would give us wisdom, discernment, words to say – and not say – in all of our conversations and in our leadership.
  2. Pray for the Kairos course we are leading from 21-25 of August – and for a pastor’s event in Manta, Ecuador, on August 20.

Goals reached for the Kingdom of God and for Inca Link – Teach, preach, travel, do debriefs for teams, feed, confront, ask for forgiveness, plan the final debrief for the interns for this week, have Tim Wendel our boss from the U.S. and Keith Newburn the regional finance guy in our home, meetings with mentors, service to orphans and refugees from Venezuela and planning the future of our next country – Honduras.

Intensely Focused,

Rich and Elisa