Hello Inca Link Global,
We are now in September and we, just like many of you, are getting used to another rhythm of life with few teams, interns, and preparing for another cycle of living on the edge of chaos! We live an exciting adventure in taking God’s hand. Thanks to Him, we also live in His promises! John 16:33, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
May God’s hand continue to be present in the lives and ministries of our families!
- We have McKenzie, Chloe and Parker here in Ecuador.
McKenzie is studying at University of San Francisco Quito and is part of our partnership with Geneva College in Pennsylvania. Chloe and Parker
are serving with Will, Amanda and Anna in Manta. Pray for these girls! We want them to see God in a radical way that transforms their hearts. Pray that they may be effective in their ministries here too.
- Kei is a nurse from Ohio that was going to arrive in Quito Wednesday night, but because of visa problems, she might not be able to make it. Pray that her visa will come through in time! Pray for ILE as they learn all the new visa rules for Ecuador.
Pray for Kei that she doesn’t get discouraged and that she be able to see God even in this situation that has been very frustrating for everyone.
- Elim has electricity! Now they won’t need to charge electric equipment every time they go! Praise God!
Our dear Ninawachi continues to suffer with illnesses, accidents, discouragement and general attacks. Mark asks that we continue to pray for them.
- Daniel Ascencio is in the US raising funds for our project in Honduras. Pray that he
can raise enough money to be able to start good work there. Pray that a whole team will rise. Praise God we can work with Chuck Fanberg in this beautiful country.
Highs – We enjoyed the visit of two colleagues. One from Peru whom we haven’t seen in 22 years, and another whom we knew when we were little! These reunions and conversations encourage us! We did the Seminar for Parents here in Quito and we had many attend and a lot of positive feedback from the material. We have even received requests to do it again! We had a great week of vacation seeing our
daughter Olivia and spending time with family in Washington, DC, Virginia and even a wedding in North Carolina.
2 Prayer Requests
- Alexa is in her last year of high school and starting to make decisions for her future studies. Josiah is also in his last year and making decisions for his future. May God guide them.
- We have a very important meeting this Friday. Pray that God’s presence be in this meeting and that what is discussed may glorify God.
Goals reached for the Kingdom of God and Inca Link – We have launched rhythms to connect with discipleship, mentorship, growth and teaching groups. Seminar for Parents, Entre Nosotras, GLT, among others. Planning a strategy for Honduras, and possibly the next country(!).., getting ready for Link Year, etc. We had good meetings with the ILP and ILE boards and good meetings with the ILI personnel. We also got together with Paul and Lineth Overmoyer who will soon be in Colombia!
Intensely Focused,
Rich and Elisa