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Terrific Tuesdays 9-5-17

Hi to all of the heroes of Inca Link who made this summer one of the best ones ever with teams and interns. Your work has not been in vain.

Things happening in and around Inca Link: 

  1. The first ever Link Year has started and they are in Peru. It’s a group of 9 females with Luke and Jess Schriefer mentoring them for the next 9 months in 3 countries (Peru, Ecuador and Colombia).
  2. Let’s pray for Marcia, a 13 year old from Casa Elizabeth, our teen pregnancy center in Ecuador, she is having a C-section today.
  3. Pray for Gema, from Portoviejo 7.8, who has Hepatitus A. Let’s pray for her health and that of her baby to be born in a week or so.
  4. The kids at Maná continue to grow physically and spiritually.
  5. We were able to see Laura and Lucy from our Inca LInk Colombia team while we were at the Comibam conference (held every 10 years on missions for all of Latin America).
  6. Corban has a new CD coming out this year – produced by one of the most famous CD producers in Christian Latin American music, Emanuel Espinosa. They also have a concert with all of the Alliance youth of Ecuador in October.

Highs – We were able to be together with all of our kids (except Mark, our son-in-law) for 3 hours last week and Josiah made 3 goals and had 3 assists in his last game 🙂

Lows – there doesn’t seem to be enough time in the days to prepare all of the messages we are working on 🙁

2 Prayer requests – Pray for our workshop in Panama with leaders from all over the continent this Saturday. Pray for Alexa in her transition back to school for her junior year.

Goals reached for the Kingdom of God and Inca Link – Training of our Link Year crew, MANY Skype calls, connections at Comibam, a visit to a new project in Bogotá, preparations for different messages that we have in the following months.

Intensely focused,
Rich and Elisa

P.S. Enjoy the World Cup qualifying games today 🙂