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Terrific Tuesday 10-21-14

incalink30-30Good day to all,

  1. Please pray for one of our current girls in Casa Elizabeth, our teen pregnancy center in Ecuador – a bee stung her and she now has an infection and is in the Hospital.
  2. The Mireles have done marriage training in América Sur church and in Quintanas. Let´s pray for them.
  3. Brent and the Saccsaras have been sharing in churches about Inca Link in the U.S.
  4. We will soon have the World Cup of Adventure Races. See link. It´s incredible that Inca Link Ecuador and Cumbre Alta are being sponsored by a team in that race.
  5. The Cumbre Alta sports ministry has Edgar a missionary called to Africa. They now have a new coach from the U.S. that is also wanting to participate.
  6. At Maná, the day care center in Peru – they had a children´s festival at the Porvenir church with 50 children. They also had a Short Term team visit last week. Congratulations to Leandro, Elí´s 10700416_348971501943461_2001715153439179569_oson who got 3 certificates and awards at his kindergarden 🙂 YAYYYY!
  7. With our vision 30 – 30 we now have 15 teams and 8 interns signed up for next year. Let´s pray for this goal. See the art attached. Please promote this on your social media. We need to get way more interns and way more teams. Invite churches and college age students to come with Inca Link next summer.

Highs and Lows

Highs – We are happy to see Mishayla working each week and studying hard. We are happy to see Josiah and Alexa playing some bang up volleyball and dominating there. We are happy that Olivia is growing and graduating in May 2015.

10669264_348973171943294_9029102144221228596_oLows – Kari being in the hospital has affected us a lot. Elisa has spent a lot of time at the hospital.
2 Prayer requests – Please pray for this weekend with Leader Mundial Latino – we will have 16 men including partners and leaders. We will be united in doing rafting and community. Please pray for the next steps for my book.
Goals reached for Inca Link and the Kingdom: Entrenosotras – there were 70 women who arrived, the majority are not Christians and Elisa did an amazing job teaching in 4 meetings last week. We are with Wendy from Geneva college who is down preparing a partnership to send interns next year. The Alex Campos event was a success. It was fun for us to do the presenting of Alex and the ice breaker before hand. See pictures attached.
Intensely Focused :),
Rich and Elisa