Hi to all Inca Link Global,
How are you? We hope you are well. God is a God of miracles and blessings. It´s incredible to see how God blesses in outstanding ways. May today be a marvelous day with Him! Amazing things in Inca Link:
- We had a great meeting this week with Inca Link International´s board meeting through Skype. We are growing as an organization. We have had the best year in the history of Inca
Link with finances, mission teams and projects. We have more missionaries than ever before, more national workers than ever before, more resources and more vision to reach the 300 million youth in Latin America. Praise God!.
- One of our interns in Peru, Meredith Raiford painted one of our buildings in Elim, the garbage dump in Trujillo, Peru. See picture attached. Thanks Meredith!
Cumbre Alta sports program were able to finish the net as a roof on the 5 vs 5 soccer field behind La Luz church this week. Also, Nate ran a triathlon. Good work Nate! See pictures attached.
- Some of our staff from Inca Link Colombia did a missions weekend this past weekend. See picture below.
Highs – we were able to see Josiah this weekend. We had a good ministry at the Eason´s church promoting Bonsai.
Lows – Josiah almost had the golden goal. Someone blocked it on the goal line. They lost :(. We are struggling to find a sports club for Alexa here in Texas.
2 Prayer requests – Pray that we would find some sporting options for Alexa (She is getting bored at home with just us :)). Pray for the Men´s retreat I am speaking at this weekend. We are expecting between 300 and 500 men.
Goals reached for the kingdom of God and Inca Link – We had Skype meetings with Inca Link International board, the Director of ILE, prayer time with ILP, preached and made good contacts for Inca Link in Saint Augustine, Florida and Savannah, GA, and dedicating time to praying for our leaders in each country and project.
Intensely Focused 🙂
Rich y Elisa