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Terrific Tuesday 11-4-14

To our loving Inca Link servants and friends,

God is doing amazing things in our midst:

  1. The students of Ninawachi left to start their month of training and service in the jungles of Ecuador (some are going where the Auca or Huarani tribes are). See picture attached.
  2. Mark found a boa constrictor when he was about to put his boot10662213_10152895294506424_4191482802170408815_os on. Pray for our people in the jungles for safety here in Ecuador. See picture attached.
  3. 10524183_10152849830362437_2201367297346572646_oThe World Race finished their time in Colombia. They served in 6 different schools in Bogotá. See picture attached.
  4. Joseph and Heather´s daughter Abby, is growing.. she is so cute. See picture attached.
  5. Nate took the GRE exam and passed. Let´s pray that he gets into his Masters program of his choice. Praise the Lord!
  6. We have 13 kids now sponsored in Oasis day care center in Bogotá, Colombia. We need 7 more. Pray. See picture attached.
  7. We have 8 interns confirmed, and 16 in the process yet. We have 18 groups on the list counting the next World Race teams. Let´s pray that World Race will partner with us in Inca Link Peru this next January.
  8. unnamedWe have an important ILE meeting tomorrow and we need to determine if we will buy the properties of Montañita Verde in Manta, Ecuador to have our children´s home there. Please pray for wisdom. The Eason’s are moving soon. Pray for a good move.
  9. We have the permits for the buildings at Pasitos de Fe Children´s home in Trujillo, Peru, we need to get permits to function, staff and children by Christmas.

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Highs and Lows

Highs – We finished the latest revision of my book (now 5 other editors are looking through it). The sermon went well yesterday at La Luz. Josiah finished Volleyball and made the Ideal Team.

Lows – We had a car accident yesterday. Thank the Lord we are all well. We have to fix the hood of the car. The other car drove off and it was clearly their fault. They were from another church in town, they admitted fault but then left the scene.

unnamed (1)2 Prayer Requests – We need to get Josiah and Alexa´s US passports back. We are traveling soon and need those this week. Please pray. Pray for the 5th Corban CD called, “Llenas mi Corazón,” You Fill My Heart. It will be launched in Ecuador on November 7, and in Peru on November 15th. It will be on ITunes as of November 7th. Check it out.

Goals reached for Inca Link and the Kingdom of God – Preaching at La Luz, Elisa in Entrenosotras, they are reaching 80 women, meetings at the School Alliance Academy, meetings with interns on Tuesday and finishing the revisions of the book.

Intensely Focused,
Rich and Elisa

P.D. Please share these videos to help us get more teams and interns.