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Terrific Tuesday 2-13-14

1779104_675626145808762_1608867357_nHi to the Inca Link Global Family,

Watch 🙂

1. The Ministry of Victor Raul with children and mothers now has a name – AMIJAI – My people are very alive.

2. The ministries of Inca Link Peru are serving more than 300 people each week.. check out some of the pictures of some of them learning music, art, camp ministries and working with their hands.

3. Inca Thakhi is reaching a lot of kids – There are several now who are interested in going to church on Sundays.


4. Inca Link Peru had a trip to the beach in the new vehicle that will bless our teams and the kids of Pasitos de Fe. See Pic.

EASON FRONT5. The Easons arrived to Quito and tomorrow we will travel with them to Manta to take them to the children´s home there for the first time. Pray for them. See Pic.

6. Pray that this Friday we will have a good answer from the people who are promising to lend us a soccer field for Cumbre Alta.

7. Pray for more teams and interns this next summer. We need more churches to come. Please promote Inca Link trips for next summer with your contacts. Thanks in advance.

8. Pray for the newest Corban video that is about to come out in the next few days and for the 5th CD they are recording this year.

9. Pray for Mandi as she teaches at the Alliance Academy. She has several children who have had a few issues. Pray that God would give her wisdom and strength. She has a great mission field with those kids in kindergarten.

10. Tomorrow we are celebrating at Casa Elizabeth the Quinceañero for Pao. She is turning 15 years old.


High – The Easons Arrived.

Low – I had gout in my big toe and it hurt this last week.


2 Prayer requests – Pray for my gout, and a pulled muscle in my leg. Pray for the Easons who are arriving tomorrow to the Orphanage.


Goals Reached – Meetings with the Easons, Interns, ILE, ILI, Leader Mundial and tomorrow with Youth Specialties Ecuador.


Intensely Focused :).

Rich and Elisa