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Terrific Tuesday 4-4-14

WoWWW – God continues to bless in amazing ways. Watch this:

  1. The Easons arrive on Wednesday to serve in the children´s home called Montañita Verde in Manta, Ecuador. God helped them raise their support in just a few months and they were able to go through the Missionary Training Institute with Patrick 🙂
  2. The Inca Link Peru project – Elim, continues to grow. They have several buildings now, they teach kids English, art and of course the Bible. See pictures attached.
  3. The Inca Link Peru project – Inca Thackhi has 12 kids studying the Bible and learning how to do extreme sports.
  4. The Inca Link Peru project – Victor Raul is reaching 70 kids and 12 mothers. IL Peru is serving over 300 people, mothers, children, youth etc. Glory to God. See pic attached.
  5. Dan Kasnick´s project in Pamplona – Lima is having an impact in the community. See picture attached of Dan´s parents and Amber 🙂
  6. The Inca Link Ecuador project – Ninawachi – is teaching 14 students the disciplines of the faith, and they are hoping to open English classes to people in town, some government officials, tourism agencies and missionary candidates for the Alliance in Ecuador.
  7. The Inca Link Ecuador project – Cumbre Alta – has their first intern – Andrew, and now has a field to practice on and to start the school on March 8.
  8. The Inca Link Ecuador project – Casa Blanca – has started construction on the new bathrooms to help with the water situation and the space situation in the guest house.
  9. We had a great time with Inca Link Peru.. see attached picture at Rocky´s 🙂

Highs and Lows

Highs – We were able to go to Peru and see our friends and eat the amazing food 🙂 – We played soccer and won :). We also were proud of Corban for serving in the TPC camp for 8 days, and the fact that IL Peru is reaching so many people for the glory of God.

Lows – Mishayla got sick when we got back to Quito. The story in this post.

Prayer requests – Pray for Inca Link Peru. They have a huge meeting this Friday to elect the new board. Pray that God puts the right people to serve Inca Link there. Let´s pray for girl in this post. Pray too for the Easons who are coming to Ecuador this week.

Goals reached this week – We were able to visit all of the projects and leaders of Inca Link Peru in Trujillo. We visited Pamplona where Dan serves. We received the new intern. Corban served at the 8 day TPC camp in Lima. Corban filmed some and recorded for their next video and songs.


Intensely Focused :),

Rich and Elisa