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Terrific Tuesday 5-6-14

Hi Everyone,

I tried to write this last week on my cell phone while I was in the U.S. and it erased some how :(.

I hope you are all well. What have you learned from God in these weeks? Here are the highs of Inca Link these days.

  1. Joca might get some grants to be trained at the Wheaton College Camp program.
  2. We had a great time at Leader Mundial last week. I was with Billy Thomas, one of our ILI board members.
  3. The World Racers have arrived to Ecuador and are spread out all over the country.
  4. Especialidades Juveniles Ecuador has the big summit this weekend – we are hoping for 2000 youth leaders.
  5. Corban will be the House Band for the worship times this weekend for the Summit. They will also be recording their 5th CD this week.
  6. The plans for the Amazing Race are coming along well.
  7. Cumbre Alta won the soccer game this last weekend. 🙂
  8. Stephany is working on her Thesis (Senior Paper) and that will help her with her work and ministry with the kids in Elim at the Dump.

Highs and Lows

Highs – Leader Mundial was awesome like always. I was able to see Olivia this last weekend – for her birthday. I also got to spend some time with Mark, her boyfriend. They did really well on their final exams this semester.

Lows – Elisa has been sick. We are tired already and have a long hard week ahead of us with the plans for the Summit and Corban.

2 Prayer Requests

Pray for the Summit. Elisa and I are the MC’s of the weekend, and we have a lot to prepare. We are asking for God’s manifest presence during the event, to be with each and every one of us. Pray for the work shops, and main session messages etc, and for the worship with Corban.

Goals met for the Kingdom of God

Leader Mundial, Preparation and planning meetings for the Summit, with ILI, I preached in a church yesterday that is planning on sending a team next summer and I met with several donors.

Intensely Focused :),
Rich y Elisa