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Terrific Tuesday 6-9-15

Hi to all the heroes of Inca Link Global,

God continues to keep his hand on us and we continue to see his work in our midst. Here are some of the terrific things God is doing:

  1. Today they started levelling out the ground to put in a 5 vs 5 soccer field for Cumbre Alta sports ministry in Ecuador – where they can charge and have a financial engine for the ministry.  See the picture below. This will be covered with artificial turf soon. The guy running the truck is a Christian and decided to donate part of his time to help us. 🙂
  2. The Alliance Academy International in Ecuador´s Senior class donated so we can put clean bathrooms in for the Cumbre Alta field.
  3. The interns finished and survived the Amazing Race and we had a great time of training after. I can say with all honesty – this may be the best group of interns in the history of Inca Link. I have said that other years – but this one takes the cake :). See the pic of the original winners of the A race and the winners from 2015. 🙂
  4. The children´s home, Pasitos de Fe, in Trujillo, Peru –  got it´s first kids. Keep praying for more kids. See the pic of the kids going to school :).
  5. Pray for Jessie, a boy from the Inca Thakhi extreme sports discipleship program. He is in the hospital with appendicitis and peritonitis. See pic
  6. The World Race has been in Colombia this week. Also, one of our interns went there a couple of days ago. I do not hace pictures to show from Colombia.
  7. Bonsai, an after school day care center in Manta, Ecuador with the Easons, was able to donate to the needy children.
  8. Casa Elizabeth teen pregnancy center in Ecuador celebrated some birthdays this week of some of our amazing kids. See picture below.

Highs – Josiah had a great Jr Sr banquet – see picture below. We had a great training of Youth Leaders in Quito. See picture below. My Dad came to be with us this month for Josiah’s graduation.

Lows – we have to find a replacement couple for Casa Elizabeth Teen Pregnancy center. Cumbre Alta lost this week – a horse ran out on the field during the game – but that´s not why we lost :/

2 Prayer Requests – We have to pack and sell things this week, go through the graduation process, go to Peru for JOse´s wedding (drummer of Corban), and move to the U.S. We have a lot to do before going to the U.S. Please pray.

Goals for Inca Link and the Kingdom of God – Youth Leaders training about 150 leaders, training for the interns after the Amazing Race, interviews for Casa Elizabeth teen pregnancy center, good-bye meeting from Entre Nosotras, coordinating with the Striplings – our work site coordinators for Peru this summer, many emails and conversations through Skype. I got two articles published this week – one in English and one in Spanish. http://leadermundial. org/who-moved-my-cheese- making-change-work-for-you/

Spanish – .VXRETLgO_Xg.facebook
Intensely Focused,
Rich and Elisa




