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Terrific Tuesdays 1-16-18

Hi to all of our friends of this wonderful organization – Inca Link,

Happy New Year! God is blessing in incredible ways already in early 2018.

  1. We reached our $20,000 dollar goal thanks to you! Praise God! Thanks to all who donated by the end of 2017, we reached it. This money will be used to help us open up the next 15 countries in 15 years!
  2. We had an amazing meeting at the Intern Reunion. God was with us as we shared about what He is doing in our lives.
  3. We prayed for a long time for a couple to run and mentor our Inca Link –Lamca Family Link year program 2018-2019. God provided Bryan and Erica Lamca (his parents were missionaries in Peru and Ecuador with us). They will be full time missionaries after they do the Link Year program too.
  4. Luke and Jess Schriefer are still running this year’s Link Year intern program and it is going well. They will be transitioning to serving in Peru as Work Site coordinators this summer and then into a full-time role of mentoring and growing our connections with teams and interns long after they are gone. This will involve curriculum and manuals and more. They will mentor Work Site Coordinators and help us grow into the 15 countries.
  5. The 2018-2019 Link Year is launched. Will you help us share the news? If you know anyone between 18-23 years old that could benefit from a Gap Year and be mentored through an experience of ministry and service in Ecuador, Peru and Colombia in 9 months – please send them our way.  Check out link year intern promotional video!

Brown's Christmas
Highs – We had an amazing time with our family after Christmas for a couple of days. I was able to preach last Sunday at Alianza Norte and 20 people committed to full-time missionary service. Rich preaching at Alianza Norte

Lows – Elisa, Olivia and Mark got sick. Olivia and Mark had to abandon the family trip early :(.

2 Prayer Requests:

  1. Pray for our trip to Costa Rica this weekend where Elisa and I will be sharing at the Alliance Youth Camp for the country. Pray for spiritual connections with the King.
  2. Pray for the Kairos Course 23-27 of January.  Pray that we get the right people attending.

Goals reached for the kingdom of God and Inca Link – We had a short term team from New Jersey that we took to Otavalo and Quito – they painted the Cumbre Alta soccer field wall. We have 4 new interns since the beginning of the year. I preached and Elisa had Entrenosotras. We interviewed several couples to be missionaries. We prepared the Kairos Course for next week, we had great meetings of E625 in Quito and Guayaquil. The Smiths are the pastoral couple of the largest church in Ecuador – 8000 plus in their church and 4000 in their Christian School. They are opening their church for us to use for our Summit. We had meetings with Inca Link Ecuador, and reviewed applications for the new Executive Director position of Inca Link Peru.

Intensely Focused,
Rich and Elisa