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Terrific Tuesdays 10-30-18

Hi to all of the Inca Link Global Heroes, 

I hope your October has been one of your best months. We are already at the end of 2018 – almost – Incredible.

Here are some of the latest news items of Inca Link this week.

  1. We had great Inca Link international board meetings in the U.S. and we continue making good plans to reach the 300 million youth in Latin America.
  2. We received two matching fund donations of $5000 each that will help us in our End of Year Campaign to raise $20,000 for country number 3 for Inca Link. The Overmoyers are going to Colombia in November – and we have partnered with Forma Vida for many years. Daniel Ascencio is in Honduras as we speak on a vision trip, but will move there in 2019 and we are investigating where country number 3 will be. 
  3. Pray for the students, teachers and administrators of Ninawachi. This next month is their practicum month where they will be serving all over the jungles of Ecuador. They have had a year of many spiritual attacks.
  4. Casa Blanca is full of people these days thanks to our partnership with AIM, World Race and their gap year. Pray for Fabian and Mabe who are discipling these young people and serving them.
  5. Amijai had 5 people from their ministry baptized this week. Praise God!

Highs – We got to see Josiah play his last regular season soccer game – he played great! We watched it with his girlfriend Elaina who came to visit that same weekend. Also, Alexa scored a beautiful penalty kick yesterday.

Lows – Alexa is struggling to find a good University for next year. Please pray 🙂

2 Prayer Requests

  1. Pray for Corban this next weekend as they lead worship at the Youth Specialties Event in Peru – E625 Peru. We will also be leading some sessions. 
  2. Pray for me as I preach at the Los Olivos Alliance Church in 4 services this Sunday, as Corban leads in worship.

Goals reached for the kingdom of God and inca Link – We were able to attend 4 board meetings this week (Inca Link Ecuador, Peru, International and Alliance Academy School board). Elisa had Entrenosotras this last week. We are serving Cumbre Alta today on Leading from your Strengths and we were able to raise money for the 15 countries in 15 year project.

Intensely Focused,
Rich and Elisa