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Terrific Tuesdays 2-27-24

Happy Terrific Tuesday! We are in Guatemala City with the Alliance Church of Galilea. We feel so refreshed even though we are busy!

  • Cumbre Alta has finally signed the papers for a new property, where they will have several fields that are going to impact thousands of players and their families! We already have over half of the cost of the property, and they are going to take $100,000 off the total price if we pay it off in six months. Pray with us, consider participating with us, or come see what the Lord is doing in Ecuador and be a part of the team.
  • In case you missed it, we are doing a new kind of Terrific Tuesday update this year. The first/second week of the month, we will be highlighting an Inca Link project. The third/fourth week of the month, we will be highlighting our Inca Link people, the ones that make all the difference in the ministries across all our countries. Today’s heroes are:
  1. Amanda and Will Eason! They have two children, Selah and Emory. They have been serving with us for 10 years. Their first year with us was crazy, but the Lord helped them stay with us because they had a calling. They helped close an orphanage and then they started Bonsai, where they serve tons of at-risk kids and their families. They are teaching the kids about Jesus and also helping them with their schoolwork. We love their sense of humor; a fun fact about them is they believe they spend most of their time trying to beat the kids at Uno.
  2. Wendy Tejada de Rodriguez! She has been around since the very start of Inca Link in Peru – 18 years! She is a close personal friend of Elisa’s. We knew her when she was just 15 years old. She has been a part of just about everything in Inca Link Peru; she was the point person a few years ago for a team of 180 people. Right now she is the president of Inca Link Peru and is doing an amazing job.
  3. Helen! She runs the Creación de Dios program in Guatemala. She’s been with us for three years, and she has two amazing kids – Kenia and Kenneth. Please pray for Helen as she lost her husband last year. She is amazing at everything she does for the kids of her ministry. Nothing keeps Helen from serving the kids. Thank you to the Summit Church who have sponsored over 100 kids from Creación de Dios!
  4. Olvin! He is part of Inca Link Honduras and has been with us for five years now; serving four of those years as Executive Director. He can do everything; his deep voice should be on the radio, he works a ton of jobs including pastoring a church, he was top of his class in Mexico and had offers to stay in Mexico or work in the US, but he has been steadfast in his calling to the youth of Honduras. A fun fact is he is the oldest child of 9 in his family and he takes that role very seriously.

Celebrate with us and make this a terrific Tuesday. God bless you.