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Terrific Tuesdays 3-16-21

Happy Terrific Tuesday! This is a special Terrific Tuesday because we are celebrating Inca Link’s 15 year anniversary! We are excited to be on the property of our Casa Blanca and Casa Elizabeth ministries, which were the first Inca Link ministries that were started in Ecuador.

A lot of people have asked us, why did you start Inca Link? Well, Rich was born in Ecuador and his parents were born in the States, and Elisa was born in Argentina and her parents were born in Canada, and some of our kids were born in Peru. So we put all of that together and thought, why? We don’t choose the families we are born into, but God puts us in these families. It was a great day when we realized the purpose that God had in raising us up as a family, as Rich and Elisa Brown, with a vision that started in God’s heart – to reach the 300 million youth in Latin America. How can we link together all of the contacts within our families between all of these countries to be able to reach the 300 million youth in Latin America? So we gave it to the Lord; God put it on our heart to start Inca Link; and now it’s been 15 years! Will you celebrate with us as we thank God for 15 years of serving in Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Honduras and Costa Rica, and then the next 10 countries in 10 years?

We have so much to thank God for; and please pray for us for the next 15 years. God bless you. Have a great week!