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Terrific Tuesdays 3-7-17

Hi to all of the Heroes and friends of Inca Link Global,

Here are some of the great things God is doing so far this year:Bonsai program

  1. Bonsai, after school kids program in Manta, Ecuador is doing really well as they serve these kids at risk and their families.
  2. Amijai, a ministry for kids and women at risk in Peru are advancing with a summer program. One mom was baptized this week and several others are studying the Basic Fundamental truths class.
  3. Let´s pray for Daniel Ascencio who is in Spain on his vacation. Let´s pray for ministry opportunities for him as well.
  4. Tomorrow we have two people coming to film Casa Elizabeth teen pregnancy center. We will have a reunion with the girls who have graduated. Pray for Kelly who up and ran away. Pray for her safety and quick return.Cumbre Alta
  5. Cumbre Alta women´s soccer team started tonight. Samy and Chelsey are two of our leaders for this team.
  6. Oasis, a ministry of at risk kids in Colombia continues to serve well. Pray for Laura and Lucy who are running this program.Rich's trainingYouth Training
  7. We had the privilege of training 300 leaders in a training for children, youth and young adults. I was also able to attend the Kairos Course in Guayaquil this last week. Elim
  8. In Elim, the garbage dump ministry for kids and their families, they finished up a work shop and gave out school supplies and a lunch for the volunteers.

Highs – Alexa is doing really well in school and we were able to see most of our kids last week.

Low – We didn´t get to see Olivia and Mark :(.

2 Prayer requests

  1. Pray for Mishayla´s graduation from Texas A&M this may.
  2. Pray for Entrenosotras that Elisa has this week.

Goals met for the kingdom of God and for Inca Intern dinnerLink – We had a great meeting with the interns at our house tonight, the Kairos course, Entrenosotras, great meeting today with Inca Link Ecuador, Skype meetings with Especialidades 625, preaching and teaching in the Generación Líderes Turbo training, organizing the team of filmers for this weekend, being at the Sanibel missions conference, had a meeting with experts on fund raising and google hangouts with different ministry leaders.

Intensely Focused :),
Rich and Elisa