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Terrific Tuesdays 6-18-24

Happy Terrific Tuesday! We are in Quito, Ecuador, and we are so happy to be with the Keifer family. As you know, they are serving with Cumbre Alta.

  • How did the summer camps go last year? It went fantastic. We did six camps last year in four different states. We got off to a crazy start; we had an entire city that we were starting in get wiped out by a big storm, we had to switch host homes at the last minute and ended up having 14 people stay in one house! We saw God move in incredible ways, and we are looking forward to another great year.
  • This summer, what are the camps like? We are going to have six camps in four weeks. Last year, we stayed a lot more weeks and it was really hard on our people, so we are trying to condense that time. We should have over 1000 kids in the camps this year across four states. It’s a tremendous undertaking logistically, expense-wise, but all for the glory of God and the impact it makes on our team from Ecuador.
  • Cumbre Alta has hosted camps in three states so far. This week, they are working in Florida as part of Inca Link USA and helping us reach the 300 million youth of Latin America. Ten percent of the youth of Latin America live in the United States.

Hope you have a great week!