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Terrific Tuesdays 6-7-16

Hi to all,

We got back from Canada late last night. That is why we are sending the Terrific Tuesdays – on Wednesday :). Here are some of the latest news items for Inca Link.

  1. Jim and Katie are going to get married on October 16th at Day Break Church in Pennsylvania. Congratulations to you both!
  2. Cumbre Alta Men´s soccer team lost this week 3 to 2 to the team that disqualified them from ascending to the professional league last year. However, this time our guys did not get into a fight! 🙂
  3. Gustavo, Fabian and Mabe all graduated in the U.S. this past Saturday. Dinner with Stripling and Anderson Families
  4. We had an amazing supper with Randy, Candy and Jenna Stripling – who lent us a car while we were in Calgary. We are so grateful for them going to Peru this June to serve leading teams. They are such a blessing. One of our interns shooting a blow gun - typical of the Ecuadorian jungle.
  5. Amazing Race – how sweet the sound! We have our interns on the ground right now doing the Amazing Race. Pray for Patrick who is sick and running the race this year with Catie.
  6. Oasis, the day care sponsorship children´s Oasis Family Celebration Day Oasis Family Celebration Dayministry in Colombia, is praying to get all 60 kids sponsored soon. They had a family celebration day last week.
  7. Meylin got her citizenship for the U.S.A. Praise the Lord! They will be in Peru in July to be our WorkMeylin Mireles received her U.S. citizenship! site Coordinators – then off to Ecuador to lead the Ninawachi school, and then hopefully Colombia in 2017.

Highs – We had a great time in Canada with Envision and the Alliance of Canada.Envision Canada Alliance of Canada We had a fabulous time with Elisa´s mom – Jean Shannon.Elisa and her mom We got a gift from a friend – tickets to the Semi-final of the Copa America :). Corban was mentioned in a book on Corban mentioned in Ecuador missions bookmissions of Ecuador.

Low – We had to say good-bye to Josiah and Mishayla whom we may not see until Christmas :(.

2 Prayer requests – Pray for Elisa who is going to a training on personalities and conflict resolution. Pray also for me – I will be preaching at two churches the next two Sundays.

Goals reached for the kingdom of Christ and for Inca Link – Key meetings with donors, groups and interns, putting Inca Link on the map for Envision Canada, Skype meetings with the Amazing Racers, emails and meetings with Inca Link Peru.

Intensely Focused :),
Rich and Elisa