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Terrific Tuesdays 1-26-21

Happy Terrific Tuesday! We are excited to be in Maryland visiting our daughter, son-in-law and grandson!

  1. Thank you so much for praying for our family and Rich’s family as we battled COVID. We are grateful for you! We are all feeling so much better, though Rich’s father and aunt are still struggling with fatigue. Please continue to pray for them.
  2. Also, please pray for our missionaries:
    1. Joca and Alex: Our Inca Thakhi missionaries are on home assignment in Canada; pray for them as they go back to Peru this year.
    2. Dan and Melody: Our missionaries to Costa Rica are on home assignment in the US; pray for them as they return to Costa Rica soon.
    3. Ignacio and Meylin: Our Ninawachi Missions Institute missionaries just arrived in the US; they will be going back to Ninawachi teaching online.
    4. Pray for our missionaries that are getting ready to go on the field. We have 7 new missionaries that will begin serving this year (all named in the video)!
    5. Continue to pray for our missionaries on the ground as they serve their ministries in this new year (all named in the video).

Thank you for praying for us and our missionaries. Have a great week!