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Terrific Tuesdays 3-8-22

Happy Terrific Tuesday, and happy international women’s day! We’re here with Kiki, one of our missionaries at Bonsai in Manta, Ecuador. She works with the Easons and Anna, and she was our first missionary resident!

  • What is a resident missionary and what is that about? A resident missionary is someone who wants to go on the mission field, but doesn’t know exactly where or how long that looks like. The program is for 1-2 years to try out what God might be calling you to do to see if it’s for long-term.
  • What did you do on your residency? I knew I was being called to Ecuador. I didn’t know when, where, who or what, so I got in contact with Inca Link. With them, we decided I would serve 3 months in Quito to see if I liked that ministry, 3 months in Manta to see if I liked this ministry, and then I would pick where I wanted to stay for the rest of the 6 months. I have been in Manta ever since!
  • Anybody out there who feels like God is calling them to missions, try out our residency program! Contact us for more information.

We love you! Have a great week.